Rubric Criteria
1. Course Organization 18 points
2. Resources and Materials 18 points
3. Instructional Delivery 18 points
4. Learner Interaction 18 points
5. Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning 18 points
Total 90 points
Overall Curriculum Evaluation
Point values are equivalent to:
90-68 = Exemplary / Well Thought Out
67-45 = Satisfactory
44-22 = Needs Improvement
21 - 0 = Not Recommended
Your rubric for curriculum is the best that I've ever seen before. All of them are well organized and you have a detailed assessment of each category. Especially, I like the learner interaction part that you classify into small groups. I didn’t consider those in deep. As you mentioned, I also agree that the effect of design of instructor-learner interaction and meaningful learner cooperation are very necessary to learners’ motivation personal development. Thus, we should be aware of it when creating curriculums.